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Queensland Bus Industry Council


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QBIC is the peak industry association for the bus and coach industry in Queensland. QBIC is the only industry body representing the bus and coach industry on a range of strategic task forces and committees with the Queensland Government. QBIC represents members’ interests on the Department of Transport and Main Roads Strategic Forum and the TransLink Operators Forum, with the critical objective of ensuring the bus and coach industry in Queensland is profitable and sustainable in the long term.

In addition to this QBIC is a Board member of the Bus Industry Confederation, the national body for the bus and coach industry in Australia. Through the BIC, QBIC undertakes advocacy and lobbying activities at a national level focused on the development of a more sustainable land transport system throughout the country. In addition to this QBIC, the BIC and the other state associations are advocating at the federal and state levels for the creation of a true public transport culture. This means a public transport culture that is characterised by public transport being a ‘real’ choice for all commuters rather than simply the choice of people with no other means of transport.

Advocacy and lobbying are carried out by QBIC through a variety of channels including through the media, submissions, campaigns, networking and relationship building. Advocacy is not a quick fix method to the myriad of issues facing bus and coach operators in Queensland however, done well, these techniques have proven over time to achieve tangible and sustainable outcomes for the industry.

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